One of the most impactful health consumer bills this year, AB 716 (Boerner) will prevent Californians from getting $1,000 plus surprise ambulance bills, and take consumers out of the middle of ambulance billing disputes ***Impacted consumer stories available upon request*** SACRAMENTO, CA – Today California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed AB 716 by Assemblymember Tasha […]
State Senate Passes AB 716 to End Surprise Ambulance Billing for Californians
One of the most impactful health consumer bills currently before the CA state legislature, AB 716 (Boerner) takes Californians out of the middle of ambulance billing disputes ***Impacted consumer stories available upon request*** SACRAMENTO, CA – Yesterday with unanimous bipartisan support, California’s State Senate passed AB 716 by Assemblymember Tasha Boerner to end a major […]
We’re Close to Stopping Surprise Ambulance Bills!
We’ve been fighting all year, and now our effort to stop surprise ambulance bills is close to the finish line. We need your help right now to get it done. Use our easy tool to tell your State Senator to vote YES to stop surprise ambulance bills! At this crucial moment, we need you to […]
Californians Share Their Surprise Ambulance Bill Stories
In a medical emergency, you may be thinking a lot of things – am I ok? Do I need help? Can I get to a hospital? The things you should not be thinking are “can I afford the ambulance ride I need?” or “is this ambulance provider in my network?” Yet many Californians have received […]
AB 716 (Boerner) Protecting Consumers from Surprise Ambulance Bills
In a medical emergency, the last thing you should be thinking about is whether calling an ambulance will lead to a huge bill. It’s unfortunately been a common occurrence for a person to not know if the ambulance they are being transported in is out of their insurance company’s network. Someone experiencing an emergency has no choice […]
Major Bill to Stop Surprise Ambulance Bills was Passed in Emergency Management Committee Today
AB 716 (Boerner) builds on California’s strong patient protections against surprise medical bills by extending them to also include ambulance bills Bill was heard in Assembly Emergency Management committee TODAY at 2:30pm, where it passed 6-0. ***Impacted consumer stories available upon request*** SACRAMENTO, CA – Building on nearly a decade of work to protect Californians […]
Stopping Surprise Medical Bills
Consumer Protection
HEALTH ACCESS: Updated Health Access Report Points to Success for New National Law Against Surprise Medical Bills Now in Effect
On the week that new federal rules go into effect to prevent patients from getting surprise medical bills, consumer advocacy group Health Access California releases an updated report on the California experience of a similar state law. The report shows the laws success in protecting patients from unexpected out-of-network bills as well as inflated premiums from provider overcharging with no indication of negative impacts on network size or patient access to care.