Covered California’s Outreach and Education Program…

Today, Covered California, the state’s Exchange that will serve as a marketplace for affordable health coverage in 2014 and beyond, has released a request for proposals and is accepting applications for the Outreach and Education Grants program to help reach millions of low- and moderate-income Californians about their new options and benefits.

The deadline for grant applications is March 4, 2013. Covered California has dedicated $43 million in funding over two years for “community organizations that can reach Californians of all walks of life where they live, work, play and shop.”

Of the $43 million available, $40 million will be distributed to organizations that target consumers eligible for health care enrollment through Covered California. The remaining $3 million will be dedicated to organizations targeting small businesses eligible to provide coverage to employees through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).

Entities eligible to apply for funding include: community, consumer-focused or advocacy non-profit organizations; faith-based organizations; trade, industry or professional associations; labor unions; chambers of commerce; health care providers; higher education institutions; Tribal organizations; and city or other county government agencies.

The funding may be made available in two cycles. Cycle 1 applications are due March 4, 2013. Based on responses and potential need, and in an effort to ensure maximum coverage, a Cycle 2 application is targeted for release in late May 2013. Covered California is planning to work with organizations that do not receive funding to provide educational material and other support so they can do accurate outreach even if they are not funded.

For more information on where to apply and to access the application, please visit

Key Dates (All deadlines 5 pm PT)

  • February 6: Grant Applicant Conference (in person in Sacramento)/Webinar
  • February 7: Letter of Intent Due
  • February 19: Last Day to Submit Inquiries and Questions
  • February 22 (and ongoing): Responses Posted on Exchange’s Website
  • March 4: Applications Due
  • April 26: Notifications of Intent to Award Posted on Exchange’s Website
  • May: Application Cycle 2 Begins 
Health Access California promotes quality, affordable health care for all Californians.