Category: Insurers

Insurers, Legislation

Assembly Health Discusses Wellness and Essential Benefits

California’s Assembly Health Committee began their meeting today with a special hearing on Health and Wellness Programs, which we tweeted extensively at Wellness programs are a timely topic as the Affordable Care Act provides opportunities for augmenting programs to go beyond simply providing access to health coverage, but to take measures to improve health […]


Aetna gets the scarlet “U”

Earlier today, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced he was declaringAetna’s recent quarterly health insurance rate increase for small employers as “unreasonable.” This is notable as the first *formal* finding of an “unreasonable” rate hike by the Department of Insurance for health insurance rate increases under the Affordable Care Act and companion implementing state legislation, SB1163(Leno). […]


Making the case…

As we approach the 2nd anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s re-election campaign is being more aggressive in promoting the benefits of the new federal law. There’s a new series of YouTube videos, Faces of Change, that spotlight various people who have taken advantage of the new options and protections under the law. […]


The Exchange Discusses Essential Health Benefits

The Exchange Board met today for the second time this month, this time with a specific focus on the Essential Health Benefits. The Essential Health Benefits (EHB) are the minimum floor for what health insurance plans must cover, this is a key provision of the Affordable Care Act, which is intended to protect consumers from […]