Trump Launches New Attack on Our Care

The Trump Administration’s Department of Homeland Security has released a final rule penalizing lawfully present immigrants and their families for seeking needed health care. This harmful rule, which will go into effect on October 15th barring any legal action, will have major impacts across our entire health care system.

This cruel attack isn’t just on immigrants, but our entire health care system leading to more uninsured, more people without primary and preventative care, more bad debt for hospitals and health providers, and less financially secure and healthy communities overall.

This rule is a nightmare scenario for public health.

Our health system is strongest when everyone has access to primary and preventative care, as well as the financial and emotional security of knowing that if your loved one gets sick, they can visit an ER or see a doctor without facing financial ruin. Erecting barriers to this care will result in more unnecessary illnesses and greater instability among our families and communities. The loss of health care, food assistance, and other vital services impacts everyone, creating a poorer, sicker nation in which our neighbors cannot access the basics they need to take care of their families.

While the Trump Administration creates fear and anxiety, California should continue to send a different signal and ensure that all those who call California home can get the care and help they need. We must continue to provide needed care and pursue steps to expand access to even more people, regardless of where they were born. We will remain vigilant against these attacks, and do everything we can to protect the health of Californians and all Americans.


Capitol Weekly: ‘Public charge’ rule could hurt health care

CA Protecting Immigrant Families