WEBINAR TODAY: The California Endowment today is hosting an informational webinar featuring community advocates from Health Access and other key organizations to brief partners on the Governor’s proposed May Revise budget and its implications for the safety net. Special consideration will be given to a proposal for the remaining uninsured involving the state’s Low Income Health Programs. Also, updates will be provided on Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation and its implications on health.
Presenters include: Marielena Hincapie, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and Angelica Salas, Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), to present on developments on Comprehensive Immigration reform.
On the issue of these county safety-net funds and extending Low-Income Health Programs, presenters include Anthony Wright, Executive Director of Health Access; Vanessa Cajina, Policy Advocate at the Western Center on Law and Poverty; Ronald Coleman, Government Affairs Manager of the California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC); and Chad Silva, Policy Director of the Latino Coalition for a Health California (LCHC).
Topic: Immigration Reform and Remaining Uninsured proposal briefing
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time
Event number: 661 636 580
Event address: https://calendow-events.webex.com/calendow-events/onstage/g.php?d=661636580&t=a
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-855-244-8681
Access code: 661 636 580
MORE ON LIHPs AND THE REMAINING UNINSURED: A success story, LIHPs in 53 counties now cover over 550,000 otherwise uninsured Californians, virtually all of whom will become eligible for full Medi-Cal on January 1, 2014. While not full coverage, LIHPs offer more than episodic and emergency room care for the uninsured, providing a medical home with primary and preventative care services. Instead of letting the LIHPs expire, California should extend the LIHPs to the remaining uninsured—both continuing our commitment to all Californians, and using our dollars in the most effective and efficient way. This unique opportunity represents a viable way to fulfill the goal of providing access to care and coverage to Californians regardless of income or immigration status.
1. Confirming that California is undertaking a statewide Medi-Cal expansion, under the Affordable Care Act, along with an aggressive effort to enroll as many Californians as possible.
2. Preserving the state realignment dollars for the first three years, in which the federal government is funding the expansion at 100%, would allow for capacity building to meet the needs of the newly insured as well as the remaining uninsured during this peak.
3. Keeping those state dollars should be contingent on a maintenance of effort requirement to assure counties continue to spend at least what they are spending now, including their own county dollars, on the remaining uninsured, public health and related health needs.
4. Encouraging counties to redirect existing Low Income Health Programs to serve the remaining uninsured; Counties would be encouraged to maintain their LIHP-like or Healthy San Francisco-type programs using these state realignment dollars.
5. Ensuring, after three years, half of state realignment funds continue to go to counties to perform public health functions, as envisioned in the original 1991 realignment, as well as base 17000 safety-net responsibilities.
6. Linking the remaining portion of this funding stream to LIHP enrollment, so counties are funded in line with the demand and their commitment. The first three years provide time when counties have the opportunity to build their enrollment back up, but then the state can yield savings as the ACA is implemented and overall demand goes down.
7. Allocating some state savings to support safety-net institutions through a state funding stream.
8. Instituting accountability and transparency into the state-county relationship going forward.
The broad coalition supporting this proposal includes the AARP, AFSCME, California Immigrant Policy Center, California Labor Federation, California Pan Ethnic Health Network, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, Health Access California, PICO California, SEIU California, and the Western Center on Law and Poverty.
Their campaign to provide safety-net coverage for the remaining uninsured includes grassroots efforts, media, and is using the hashtag #Health4All on Twitter.