From: Health Access California, California Immigrant Policy Center, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, and Western Center on Law and Poverty
“As health care consumer advocacy organizations, we are committed to universal health coverage, supporting single-payer proposals, Health4All expansions, the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and Medicare. Since November, we have been first focused on the federal fight to protect millions of Californians from losing their health coverage. California has proven that when more people have the opportunity for good health and financial security, we create healthier, more prosperous communities that benefit all of us.”
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms any violence or threat of violence, including toward any elected official, of any party. Such tactics undermine the very values that we hope to advance in seeking health care for every Californian.”
“We appreciate the perseverance and tenacity of our fellow single-payer proponents, and we must acknowledge that the movement for universal health coverage does not stop with one bill being stalled. We are committed to continuing the work to expand and reform health coverage, including supporting legislation, ballot measures, and administrative actions to provide health care, and health coverage, to all Californians. Our first step is to prevent the passage of a Senate bill that would cut and cap Medicaid by tens of billions of dollars, undo the progress of the Affordable Care Act, and set the cause of universal coverage back for a generation.”