The Senate Committee on Health, chaired by Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez, met today and passed the following bills Health Access is supporting:
AB 314 (Pan) which would eliminate annual and lifetime limits to student health plans passed out of committee with a vote of 6-2.
AB 411 (Pan) which takes an important step towards identifying and reducing health disparities by requiring Medi-Cal managed care plans to analyze quality data by gender, race, ethnicity, primary language and, to the extent the data is available, by sexual orientation and gender identity passed out of committee with a vote of 8-1.
AB 422 (Nazarian) which would provide notice to students receiving free or reduced lunch that they may be eligible for free or reduced cost health insurance through Medi-Cal or Covered California passed of committee with a vote of 9-0.
AB 974 (Hall) which would require that a hospital notify an emergency contact person before transferring a patient who has received emergency care and been stabilized for transfer passed out of committee with a vote of 9-0.
Health Access California promotes quality, affordable health care for all Californians.