Later this week, Health Access will release a report detailing the impacts of the Affordable Care Act as the law approaches its third anniversary on March 23rd.
This will be the latest in an ongoing assessment of California’s implementation of the ACA, that we have done with regularity. For a sense of how California how done since, here’s our past reports:
THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IN CALIFORNIA: After Two Years – Big Benefits, More Work to Do– (March 20, 2012)
THE FACES OF THE NEW HEALTH LAW: One Year Later, Californians Are Taking Advantage of the New Options and Benefits of the Affordable Care Act (March 23, 2011)
Health Reform 9-Month Status Report: Californians Take Advantage of New Options & Benefits; More Patient Protections Go Into Effect (December 21, 2010)
Health Care Reform Six Month Status Report: More Patient Protections Go Into Effect; Work Continues to Implement & Improve Coverage (September 23, 2010, Updated – November 20, 2010)
Health Reform 3 Month Status Report: Californians Begin to See the Benefits; Much More to Do to Fulfill Its Promise (June 21, 2010)
We look forward to adding to this list, as we not just mark the 3rd anniversary but approach the full implementations in less than a year.
Health Access California promotes quality, affordable health care for all Californians.