Covered California coming to a screen near you…

The headlines today talk about the new ads that are slated to be run by Covered California, the state’s health insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. From the LA Times (California unveils ads for new health insurance market) to the Sacramento Bee (California unveils ads to raise awareness of national health law), from television (Enrolling uninsured Californians brings federal dollars to state) to radio (Calling Don Draper), the media has spotlighted the beginning messages.

Here’s a sample:

Covered California is trying to do two things: highlight the importance and urgency of health coverage, and then offer Californians new tools to meet that need, new options that avoid the barriers of the past. The ads highlight the peace of mind that comes with coverage, the security that even healthy people want because they know, at any moment, there could be an accident or alarm that has health and financial consequences.

But most everyone wants coverage–the second task is to tell Californians there are new protections and options available through Covered California to deal with barriers that may have stopped them before. The ads highlight two main benefits: no one is denied for pre-existing conditions, and Covered California provides financial assistance if you need it.

There are other benefits to Covered California: its bargaining power allows individuals to get a better value, the “group rate,” for insurance; our exchange has also standardized benefits, so there is no longer fear of the fine print, and consumers can make easier apples-to-apples choices. Choosing health coverage is not cheap and not easy–but Covered California will make it more (in some cases, much more) affordable and easier. The ads welcomes us to the new world and these new options.
