Category: Health4All

Budget, Health4All, Medi-Cal, Undocumented

California Makes History By Becoming the First State to Provide Access to Health Care for All Income-Eligible Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

With last night’s announcement of the state budget agreement, California makes history as the first state to agree to fully remove exclusions for Medi-Cal (California’s version of Medicaid) coverage for all who are income-eligible, regardless of age or immigration status. The final 2022-23 State Budget closes the gap in coverage for approximately 700,000 undocumented Californians ages 26-49, the last remaining age group to be excluded from accessing comprehensive Medi-Cal coverage, starting no later than January 1, 2024. This is expected to lead to the largest drop in the rate of uninsured Californians in a decade.

Affordability, Budget, Covered California, Expanding Coverage, Health4All, Medi-Cal, OHCA, Prescription Drugs

New Budget Deal to Extend Major Help to Afford Health Care for Millions of Californians

A statement by Anthony Wright, executive director, Health Access California, the statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition, on the announcement of a California state budget deal between Governor Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders, and the impact on Californians accessing and affording health care and coverage:

Affordability, Budget, Care4AllCA, Cost Containment, Covered California, Health4All, Medi-Cal, Prescription Drugs, Uninsured

New #CABudget Deal Extends Major Help to Afford Health Care to Millions of Californians

The Governor and Legislature announced a final deal on the California state budget late yesterday, including some major investments in a variety of health and human services. We greatly appreciate that this state budget deal includes crucial commitments to improve health care access and affordability for Californians, providing real relief to many immediately, with the […]

Affordability, Gov. Newsom, Health4All, Medi-Cal

Governor’s May Revision Take Steps on Health Affordability–But Legislature Should Do More

Governor Gavin Newsom released his May Revision of a $300 billion state budget, which continues to propose major steps to expand health care coverage, and included some new investments, including to ensure Californians keep the coverage as the public health emergency unwinds. Building on these proposals and given the urgent needs, health and community advocates urged the Legislature to take quicker and additional steps to address health affordability.


#Health4All: Empezando el 1 de mayo de 2022, adultos indocumentados y mayores de 50 años ahora pueden inscribirse para Medi-Cal!

¿Sabían que empezando el 1 de mayo de 2022, más californianos serán elegibles para Medi-Cal completo? Independiente de su estado migratorio, todos los californianos que califican con sus ingresos pueden inscribirse para Medi-Cal completo sin costo alguno.  Todavía hay mucho trabajo que hacer para lograr Health4All, pero este es un gran paso hacia la cobertura […]


#Health4All: Medi-Cal’s Older Adult Enrollment Starts May 1, 2022!

En Español Did you know starting May 1, 2022 more Californians qualify for Medi-Cal?  Now, all income-eligible Californians ages 50 and over, regardless of immigration status will be able to enroll in comprehensive coverage through Medi-Cal! There is still a lot of work left to do to achieve Health4All, but this is a major step […]

Affordability, Affordable Care Act, Budget, Economy, Equity, Expanding Coverage, Gov. Newsom, Health4All, Legislation, Medi-Cal

Governor Newsom Signs 2021-22 Health Budget Bill

Today Governor Gavin Newsom signed one of the key pieces of the 2021-22 state budget, the health budget trailer bill (AB 133) which includes historic funding in Californian’s health system, making it more universal, equitable, and affordable in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Today’s signing ensures a first-in-the-nation end to the exclusion of income-eligible undocumented adults age 50 and over in Medi-Cal. Other major initiatives improve and expand Medi-Cal, and make Covered California more affordable.