Category: Appreciation

Announcement, Appreciation, Recognition

RIP Dorothy Rice, Pioneer in Health

We were saddened to hear of the passing this weekend of Dorothy Rice, 94, a world renowned medical economist and health statistician, who served on the Health Access Foundation board for over a decade until 2015. UPDATED: Here’s the New York Times obituary. Professor Dorothy P. Rice was Professor Emerita of Medical Economics in the Department […]

Appreciation, Medi-Cal, Surprise Bills

Year of 2016 in Review: When We Work, We Win

The Presidential election will be what 2016 is remembered for–and for good reason, given how massively consequential it will be, on countless issues and even our national identity. Health Access California has been actively organizing for the #Fight4OurHealth in California to be ready for the renewed national debate in 2017 on health policy and health care. […]