After all the hype, the Super Bowl came to a dramatic end, but alas the home team, the San Francisco 49ers, did not prevail.
However, we still can win in another, even more super, field of play–health reform implementation!
Our allies Kristen Golden Testa at Children’s Partnership and Mike Odeh at Children Now (with us in the cheerleader role) have penned this post about why California beats Maryland in the game that matters even more.
It’s no contest, but here’s Maryland’s entry. They do show that they are worthy contenders for the playoffs, but clearly California is in the lead–if we make the right decisions and take advantage of key opportunities in the next few months.
The role of states, and our entry, is just one of many topics in Health Wonk Review, hosted by Maggic Mahar at
The football season is over, but the postseason health reform implementation season is just beginning.