You may notice we look a little different. Health Access has unveiled a new logo and website that better reflects our bold advocacy for California’s health care consumers. It’s still the Health Access you’ve grown to know over the last 35 years, but now with a new style. Our new logo adapts to the changing […]
This Election Vote to Protect Your Health
Together, we have made major progress this year to advance health reform, with Congress passing the Inflation Reduction Act that lowered health care premiums, and finally standing up to Big Pharma, giving Medicare the ability to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. This election will decide if we keep building on that momentum–or go backwards. […]
Major Health Care Consumer Wins this #CALeg and #CABudget Session
With the Governor’s final actions on bills last week, health consumer advocates applauded a major year in health reform, where California continued its leadership on health care access, affordability, and equity. Californians will see both short and long-term benefits from the bills and budget items adopted by Governor Newsom and the state legislature this year […]
Major Health Care Consumer Wins this CA Legislative Session
With the Governor’s final actions on bills last week, health consumer advocates applauded a major year in health reform, where California continued its leadership on health care access, affordability, and equity.
Governor Newsom Signs Key Bills to Keep Californians Covered
Governor Newsom has signed a series of bills that will help keep Californians get on and stay on health coverage, connecting them to their health plan options.
Governor Newsom Signs Bill to Raise Fines on Health Plans for Patient Protection Violations
Governor Newsom today signed SB 858 (Wiener) which will increase the level of fines for health plans who violate patient protections and modernizes outdated standards.
Deductibles to Spike for Majority of Covered California Enrollees in 2023
Hundreds of thousands of Californians with Covered California health plans will see their co-pays go up and deductibles rise by over one thousand dollars next year, as a result of Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of SB 944 by Senator Pan, and Covered California’s board action following the veto. SB 944 sought to lower cost-sharing in […]
Deductibles to Spike as Governor Vetoes Legislation to Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs in Covered California
Hundreds of thousands of Californians with Covered California health plans will likely see their co-pays go up and deductibles rise by over one thousand dollars next year, as a result of Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto yesterday of SB 944 by Senator Pan. That bill sought to lower cost-sharing in Covered California, including eliminating deductibles in silver plans.
CA Legislature Passes Bills to Better Connect Californians to Health Coverage
The California Legislature has recently passed a number of bills that will help keep Californians covered and better connect them to their care options.
#CALeg Passes Bills to Better Connect Californians to Health Coverage!
The California Legislature has recently passed a number of bills that will help keep Californians covered and better connect them to their care options. Yesterday, the California Legislature passed SB 644 (Leyva) to make sure Californians filing for unemployment insurance, and likely losing not just their job but their health benefits, are connected to Covered […]